Tuesday 26 April 2011

Merm Bindu

Eighteen Yogic Marma Regions and Main Corresponding Marmas
  1. The toes are the starting point. Kshipra marma.
  2. The ankles: four and a half finger units from the toes. Gulpha (ankle) marma.
  3. The middle of the calf: ten finger units from the ankle. Indrabasti marma
  4. The root of the knee: eleven finger units from the middle of the calf. This marma is not one of the classical 107, but can also be used.
  5. The center of the knee: two and a half finger units from the root of the knee. Janu marma.
  6. The middle of the thigh: From the knee to the middle of the thigh is nine finger units. Urvi marma.
  7. The anus: From the middle of the thigh to the root of the anus is nine finger units. Guda marma.
  8. The middle of the hip: From the root of the anus to the middle of the hip is two and a half finger units. Kukundara and Nitamba marmas.
  9. The root of the urethra: From the middle of the hip to the root of the urethra is two and a half finger units. Vitapa marma.
  10. The navel: From the root of the urethra to the navel is ten and a half finger units. Nabhi (navel) marma.
  11. The center of the heart: From the navel is the middle of the heart is fourteen finger units. Hridaya (heart) marma.
  12. The base of the throat: six finger units from the middle of the heart. Nila marma.
  13. The root of the tongue: From the root of the throat to the root of the tongue is four finger units. Shringataka marma.
  14. The root of the nose: From the root of the tongue to the root of the nose is four finger units. This marma is not one of the classical 107, but control of it can be related to Phana marma by the nostrils at the base of the nose.
  15. The center of the eyes: From the root of the nose to the eyes is one-half finger units. Apanga marma.
  16. The middle of the brows: From there to the middle of the brows is one-half finger unit. Sthapani marma.
  17. The center of the forehead. From the middle of the brows to the center of the forehead is three finger units. The marma point here is not one of the classical 107 but is still very useful.
  18. The top of the head: From the middle of the forehead to the top of the head is three finger units. Adhipati marma.
These eighteen marma regions include points for seven chakras (the root of the anus (Muladhara), the root of the urethra (Svadishthana), the navel (Manipura), the heart (Anahata), the root of the throat (Vishuddha), the middle of the brows (Ajna) and the top of the head.

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